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© IGD 2010
to manage the processes and to optimize them :
• to optimize the internal costs,
• to improve its reactivity and its speed,
• to capitalize its own knowledge and experiments,
• to identify and validate the requirements in information for each actor and each activity,
• to evaluate opportunities as a delegation/automation,
• to separate and structure the roles and the responsibilities for each actor, man or machine,
• to conceive the computerized solutions fitting naturally in the continuity of the decisional chains suitable for the
organization which integrates them,
• to form the newcomers,
• to effectively manage the adaptations to the new requirements and the evolutions of the operational context.
DoMIS makes it possible to document the processes in a company or an administration, whatever their nature.
It proposes a generic language founded on a renewed vision of the organization.
An organization corresponds here to an operational hierarchy of activities in which each activity represents a “elementary center of catch of the decisions” being able to be controlled by a man or a machine.
to represent the process such as it is lived and such as it evolves :
This necessary modeling of the processes implies a description of the real organization.
It is not a question of describing the process such as it is defined, but such as it is really lived.
Modeling will thus be judged by its clearness and its coherence in clarification:
• aims in view on each operational level,
• processes associated with these objectives, therefore schedulings of the decisions,
• utility of the resources requested during the implementation of these processes
DoMIS has vocation to model the processes by the description of the real system of delegation suitable for the organization.
By difference with the traditional approaches and a static analysis of unfolding of the processes - functions, DoMIS proposes a dynamic analysis of its capacity and system of control to be decided and act.
The expression of piloting in the form of scheduling of the decisions prevails here on the description of the course of the function:
- “how we do it rather” than “how that must be done”.
- DoMIS facilitates the identification of internal indicators of management more operational than those
quantifying simply intermediate or final results.
Why the modeling of the processes in the projects of organization ?