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© IGD 2010
Which are the goals of this association ?
to make known and to promote the teaching and the use of the methods of engineering
of the organizations and the systems,
to develop the formalization of know-how such as decisional engineering,
to support the development, the distribution and the use of data-processing applications dedicated to these

Thierry Sautelet is graduate in philosophy and economics (Sorbonne). After being resident manager in Indonesia for a swiss world wide tour operator, he is management consultant for an american consulting company. Later on, he is in charge during almost ten years of a project planification’s desk and then Comptroller in a french high technology firm. In 1992, he is area manager in a company specialised in industrial security. In 2002 he is in charge of logistics in a fashion brend. Actualy Thierry Sautelet is focusing in Decision theory and cognitive science. Otherwise, he is involved in an NGO implementing in Indonesia a community recovery program.épartement, Chef d'agence puis Directeur régional pour de grands groupes dans des secteurs tels que les installations électriques, la sécurité industrielle, le transport, la logistique et le tourisme, il a développé des compétences en animation d’équipes pluri disciplinaires.
José Antonio Sequeira Carvalho Full professor of Management studies at the Technical University of Lisbon.
Founder member and member of the direction of the Center of European studies and Documentation of the Technical University of Lisbon.
Doctorat d’Etat in Sciences of the Organization at the University of Paris IX – Dauphine
Masters in Economic Sciences and Political Sciences of the University of Paris I Pantheon - Sorbonne.
Former deputy director of the secretarial department Eureka in Brussels.
International lecturer, author of many books and articles in the fields : management, economy and enterprise, international economy, economy of the development, European construction.
Philippe Gautier, Chief Information Officer of Benedicta (Food Industry, FMCG), has over 17 years of experience in either the same function or as a Chief Executive Officer (IT services company - SME).
Previous to Benedicta, he worked for SIEMENS HL (semi-conductors) then for Infineon Technologies (former SIEMENS HL) where he was the Information Technology Manager and IT coordinator (with Headquarter) for France.
Philippe has initiated the first EPCGlobal/RFID pilot (open loop) in Europe (for Benedicta (*) : the purpose was to track and trace pallets) using ALL the EPCGlobal standards (**) over both the RFID technology (UHF GEN2-96
bits) and the Barcodes (EAN 128) in a open networking environment.
Philippe is also the author of many Press articles (IT, Logistics, etc.) - magazines, Web ; many interviews and regularly speaks in RFID/Logistic or IT dedicated conferences (both in France and other countries).
He recently published in a "quarterly journal on the knowledge and management of information systems aimed at both researchers and practitioners" : Systèmes d'Information et Management.
(*) see Article and La RFID prend chez Benedicta
(**) including the middleware (ALE), the EPCIS and the "ONS layer" with a dedicated and independant root: the first operational one in Europe.
BLOGS : et

Philippe GAUTIER
Alain Simon is an electronics engineer and doctor in business administration.
At first Project manager, commercial then in the head of a research department, he specializes in 1992 in the management of big projects in the export of installation of power plants and becomes regional Director for central and western Africa. He is in New Calédonia today.
His poles of interest are the field of modeling and the strategic analysis.
Catherine Gheselle is specialized in the development of activities concerning in particular :
- the visual arts, the multimedia communication (Master Professional - DESS "author multimedia writer"
at the École des Mines(French engineering school) of Alès and to the University Paul Valéry of Montpelier),
- the film studies (Master Charles de Gaulle Lille III university)
- and the plastic arts (current License at the CNED)
Catherine GHESELLE
Bartosz Gocwin – Alumnus of AGH Academy of Science and Technology in Cracow. Engineer computer specialist, having a passion for decision engineering and artificial intelligence. Author of software realized according to the standard of decision-making programming.
Bartosz GOCWIN